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Juho is the gentle principle, which refers to physical gentleness meaning the ability to yield to overcome, mentally be flexible enough to adapt and change to handle situations, and spiritual gentleness which is a form of unconditional love.


Juho as a fighting principle can best be perfected through the practice of throwing techniques, along with other grappling skills that were practiced by the Ashigaru, foot soldiers of Japan.  These lesser warriors fought in light armor and usually wielded some form of staff weapon, such as Yari (spears) and Naginata (halberds).


Wearing light armor kept punches and kicks from being effective, but allowed for throws, joint locks, and chokes.  The idea was to yield before the force of an attack, thus neutralizing the force, and then using momentum gained to defeat the assailant with their own force.


Hip throws, leg reaps, sweeps, and other such techniques make perfect use of the Ju principle, thus allowing a student to truly master the art of Jujutsu, which is fundamentally the art of yielding.


In Kiyojute Ryu Kempo Bugei this art is known as Juho Kempo Jujutsu.  This aspect of the seven empty hands principles is the most important one in regard to self defense.  The principle of Ju is the idea of neutralizing a person of superior size and strength.  Since most attackers specifically choose someone they consider weaker or smaller than them, or someone they already believe they can defeat, it is necessary for anyone really trained in self defense to be able to neutralize size and strength.


©1982 - 2020 Kiyojute Ryu Kempo Bugei

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