Since I became involved deeply in Karate during my youth, I have investigated the many aspects of Karate development on Okinawa. Common Karate of the oldest sort has a strong influence from Shaolin, especially of the northern country. But during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century as some Okinawan masters went to China seeking some of their roots, southern forms of Chinese martial arts began to exert strong influence on some styles of Karate, especially those related to Higashionna’s lineage.
It was believed that Kanryo Higashionna studied the southern style of Hung Gar from Ryu Ryu Ko, while his student, Chojun Miyagi, went to China to find his teacher’s instructor, and upon not being able to do so studied I Chuan, a combined art of Hsing I Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, and Tai Chi Chuan.
Miyagi, along with some other Okinawans, studied under Gokenki, a Chinese teacher who was famous for his Hakutsuru Kempo, white crane martial arts. Certain founders of the martial arts, Chojun Miyagi of Goju Ryu, Kenwa Mabuni of Shito Ryu, and Chotoku Kyan of Shorin Ryu, all studied with Gokenki, adding aspects of white crane to their systems. Some of the Shito Ryu branches have taught white crane as secret techniques and even have secret white crane Kata.
Some of the styles secreted the white crane techniques in their Kata, using code names to keep hidden the white crane knowledge and root of their ‘secret’ skills.
Sokon Matsumura was reputed to have studied at a Shaolin temple during one of his trips to China and learned a special form of white crane that he only shared with immediate family members. His form of white crane was suppose to have been extremely effective and followed the main principles of fighting that were taught in the Chinese groups.
Through my association with various martial artists and most especially Rod Sacharnoski, I have learned the main principle of Hakutsuru Kempo from the various Ryu mentioned above. I subsume all of the information in Shimpo Kempo Karatejutsu. The main emphasis is on Shimpo, the mental principle, which expresses itself most noticeably in self control.
The beginning of Shimpo is Mushin, but it progresses through a full series of other mental aspects of development that can be associated with the white crane form of movement. This is a very special physical method which helps a person develop a tremendous amount of power through physical movement harmonized with mental intent.
The most important aspect of this training is the generation of power which a person learns to produce regardless of their size. It is a form of power that is a combination of mental intent and coordinated body harmony.