Kiyojute Ryu Kempo Bugei is based on ten principles and their corresponding physical martial arts.
The system is comprised of seven empty-hand arts, a weapon art that flows between them, a self-defense-specific art, and the ultimate the martial art that binds unifies them all, Shogei Toitsu Kempo.
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The first art you learn in Kiyojute Ryu Kempo Bugei is also the ultimate art when you master all of the other nine principles. This art is called Shogei Toitsu Kempo. Shogei means all arts, while Toitsu means either unified or beginning in one.
Historically, we think of Kempo as ‘all of the other arts began in the one art’ of Kempo. Having studied the history of the many martial arts represented in Kiyojute Ryu, all of them have an influence from the original Kempo. The second meaning of ‘all arts unified’ in Kempo shows what we are trying to accomplish in our training.
A person who joins Kiyojute Ryu first begins learning Shogei Toitsu Kempo, which contains throws, chokes, joint locks, blocks, punches, strikes, and kicks, along with certain weapons. They are not taught in the mixed up way of modern fighting sports, but in a unified way so that a person learns the principles behind the techniques and the unified nature of ancient and real Sogo Bujutsu, the comprehensive martial arts of survival, better known by the ancient term Bugei.
Once a person has a foundation in the unified art, they can begin to specialize in the other principles so that they can have a greater depth of understanding in the primary art of Kempo. Everything one learns in the auxiliary martial arts helps you become a greater master of Kempo. As you learn the other nine principles and learn to unify them in the ninth principle of Toitsu, you develop a defense which has no gaps. You know all of the principles by knowing all of the arts that began in the one art of Kempo.